OnOffice spoke with Corey Combrinck to discuss incorporating wellbeing practices into our day and the impact prioritising our wellbeing can have on our work
OnOffice: Can you tell us about when your interest in art and design began?
Corey Combrinck: Ever since I can remember I had an interest in art and design – I always loved beautiful things. I was enticed by glossy magazines, interiors, furniture, fashion, fabrics and had a vivid imagination when it came to creating or designing things. My parents were instrumental in me developing my passion for design. They saw my interest and at a young age introduced me to the town architect who showed me how to draw up plans and elevations, the rest was history.
OO: What does a typical working day and week look like for you?
CC: I like to get up around 6am, start with a coffee, reading and meditation before I head to the gym. This helps me to be in the right mindset for the day.
My typical workday involves several online meetings and working closely with my wonderful team at Calvin Klein to bring the creative vision of the stores to life. Priorities can change daily, however, I make sure of having lunch away from my desk. When I’m in the office, we will have lunch as a team followed by a walk to get some fresh air. This practice really helps us refocus for the afternoon.
I always try to finish work on time and like my team to do the same, whenever possible. I strongly believe in having a good work-life balance, this benefits not only the team but also our work quality and output.
OO: How has this way of working changed from previous roles?
CC: In previous roles I feel like I was pushing myself to the limits by working non-stop, taking work stress home. My work-life balance was completely off, which meant I got thrown ‘off-balance’ quite easily. I feel that these days I’m better at switching off from work and have a much better work-life balance.
OO: How do you manage to balance remote working with being in the office?
CC: Having the option to work remotely helps me to do more focused work from home and more collaborative work from the office. I go into the office on the same set days as the team to help us plan our weeks accordingly. We have a great office environment and amazing colleagues, which makes it a pleasure to go in.
OO: Can you describe how your wellbeing plays a role in your day?
CC: Wellbeing is a big priority for me in my daily routine. If I don’t feel balanced my day is completely off. It takes daily work – reading, meditation, working out, eating healthy, getting my steps in and drinking plenty of water – which all helps me to stay centred and focus, both mentally and physically. Some days it’s easier than others and sometimes it all falls apart, but the key thing is consistency and getting back into it as soon as possible reminding myself that tomorrow is another day.
OO: How does this impact how you manage your team?
CC: Wellbeing helps me to be a better manager by being a calmer, stable energy in the team. I know from personal experience, if you have a manager that is calm and in control you feel like things are calm and in control. I try to create an environment where we can have open conversations around our needs and to say when one of us is struggling with something.
OO: Can you describe your workspace and how this impacts your creativity and wellbeing?
CC: Workspace plays a crucial part in my creativity and wellbeing. For me, it’s a necessity to have a space where I can close the door when the day is over. While I’m working, I need a space that is clean and organised as it makes me feel calmer. Natural light, a comfortable chair and proper lighting are also key factors for me to feel and perform at my best.
OO: What are you currently reading?
CC: I like reading articles or news on the latest developments in the creative worlds, from both a business and creative perspective. I’m always reading blogs from Business of Fashion, Vogue Business and other similar websites to
get a better understanding about how brands and the fashion business works.
I like to read books that are focused on wellbeing and self-development. I’m currently reading Mastery by Robert Greene, which is a fascinating book about how you become a master at what you do. These types of books really inspire me to keep pushing when I’m trying to work on something new.
OO: Where can we follow you and find out more about your work?
CC: You can follow me on Instagram @coreycombrinck_studio or go to my website coreycombrinck.com for more information on my art and work.
Image by Mark Kiszely
As featured in OnOffice 161, Winter 2022. Read a digital version of the issue for free.