In the words of French naval officer and conservationist Jacques-Yves Cousteau: “Water and air, the two essential fluids on which all life depends, have become global garbage cans.”
Recognising the urgency of addressing climate change head on, sustainability in design and architecture has never been a hotter topic of conversation. But how can we encourage people to make informed choices that will have a positive impact on the planet and humanity?
Pastille by Wästberg, one of the products featured in this issue. By Sam Hecht and Kim Colin
Exploring sustainability in its entity – environmental, cultural, social and economic – our Green Issue highlights, celebrates and acknowledges the architects, designers and figures helping shape a more ecologically sound world. How can we construct eco-friendly cities and bring nature back into our urban jungles? How can access to clean energy be democratised? How do we build sustainable communities at work? While our Green Issue has no definite answers to these complex questions, we hope this issue will spark conversations and empower people to live and work more sustainably.
Carl Hansen & Søn’s CEO, Knud Erik Hansen, explains why he champions green design
For our cover story, we discovered how Carl Hansen & Søn champions sustainable design and why this benefits the local community in Gelsted, Denmark. In our behind the scenes feature, we uncovered how design brand Qwstion turns banana fibres into eco-friendly and stylish bagging solutions and we’re also in conversation with design duo OEO Studio and Mater, who recently unveiled their new Column Dining Table, which is crafted out of recycled yogurt pots. Elsewhere, take a look at OnOffice’s pick of this year’s Clerkenwell Design Week highlights as we celebrate the movers and shakers of green design, and you can also discover how polluted air can be captured and turned into ink in our Green Heroes Special. While the ocean remains one of the planet’s most magnificent wonders, its natural beauty is threatened by the world’s growing pollution. NOAA estimates that around 1.4 billion pounds of rubbish are entering the sea each year causing the oceanic ecosystem to gradually deteriorate. Ocean Space, Venice’s new ‘embassy for the oceans’ encourages audiences to reimagine how we see and treat the planet’s waters in an inspiring initiative that connects the city and its inhabitants with the sea.
Bangle LED installation at Clerkenwell Design Week, one of our picks from the event
Adapting a holistic viewpoint, our Green Issue embraces a vision for a cleaner and better future. Demonstrating why healthy environments are the foundations of a good life at home and at work, the issue aims to give hope in the fight against global warming as we all come together to drive the change that the planet and humanity so desperately need. Join us now #ReduceReuseRecycle
Find out about the innovations that are turning everything from yoghurt pots to polluted air into usable, exciting new materials